Kang Yi
Installation / Artistic Research
something Under

{Ecovative Objects}

Ultrasonic sensors,

Evocaitve Objects}

In this program, we picked an object to start a concept. We told classmates story about our own object under a flashlight in a room. During the process, every one of us tried to find keywords and express them to each other. We categorized those keywords and decide what to keep in continuing concept.

{Design Concept}

Did you ever have a blanket that you desperately need to be with when you were a kid? I have one. I would cover my whole body and talk to myself under the blanket. Incredible thoughts and stories were born under my blanket. But if there was any person outside or around the blanket, those thoughts stopped. I transformed my secrets into different shapes as if they are microorganisms. My blanket is a dark cave for those living creatures to hide. This installation started to perform when anyone tries to uncover the blanket. Ultrasonic sensor activate when people come near the blanket and those little creatures will disappear.