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Poster-Reviews of Workshops

Posters made by Tammie Kang

[Introduction of research proposal]

Starting to thinking about reality is the starting point for my research topic. My grandmother passed on 2d May, and my grandfather passed on 24th November. The gap that separates them in the middle is the specific moment that drives me to think about the interpretation of reality. People tend to have assumption when thinking about life, that we always need to stay in a certain state in order to live. Thinking about my grandfather, I tend to think that he has the right to believe what he wants to believe. And when he passed, I have the urge to prove that the reality everyone was saying that he became crazy after grandmother’s death does not matter at all, even when he was still alive. Because of the grieving stage that I am in with the loss of my grandparents, the perspective I choose isn’t always so stable. The reality in my topic involves my grandfather’s limited life and the limited life which I have but without any understanding of what the limitation is, I can no longer consider time as a mathematical subject. During the session with the reader we were given and practices within workshops, my research topic is growing. It is a composition with more subtle branches. For extending those branches, I started using the word “time” as an element to represent the notion of “limited life”. With an individual perspective, I conceive the already ended life as a moment which is not just a point, hence I endow the specific moment to self and apply it to myself as it is existing still.

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